Tribalwars.net is a website where you can play online with a players wherever they are. It's an strategic game where you have town localitzated in (X,Y) position and the game goes in real time. All constructions, the troops and the farms go in a real time, for example, the units of the army can spent 2 h to arribe in the neighbour town, the times are fixed and it depens of the distance of the towns. The resources also are earned in the real time, if you have a farm that produces 1000 wood for hour, in one hour you will get 1000 wood, in two 2000, that's obvious.
The game: The game is based in the medieval age. The guns of the soldiers are swords, axes... and you have to protect your town and conquer the others. This game is very funny if you like the strategic, and if you want to enjoy a good time is better have friends in it.
Online game = new meetings: you can meet a lot of people in this game, because tw.net is for all the world. .NET is caracterizated because here they only talks in English, that is perfect for spanish people like me who wants to learn English, and for my own experience I can be sure about that... New expresions, new vocabulary, get a faster way to write or express in English...
Actually I'm playing in this game only in one world. With my friends Josu, Oriol, Adria, Eric... they are friends in the real life and we enjoy good moments in this game, doing strategies...
You starts in a town where there are nothing. You goes growing up the level of the builds and then you get a big town and starts the funny getting neighbour villages :P
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