

She is Sarah, she form Scotland and now is in Murcia, she wanted to imporve her Spanish and knowladge of teaching. She loves skiing and was a exfootball player, and enjoys playing football in the beach.

England have: Scotland (Edimburg), England (London), Wales (Cardiff), Northen Ireland (Belfast)

In scotland there are 5 milions of people and famous people onf scotland are for example, Alex Ferguson, Andy Murray, Sean Covery...

There are lenguages like Galic, Haggis is one tipical dish in Scotland. The minister of education chosed her destination ( Castelló d'Empúries), she couldn't choose.

She wanted to study a lengauge because she enjoyed the classes to much, and she decided to study "filologia", she needed a high level of lenguage and she waited more time for exams.

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