

Futurama is an animated American sitcom created by Matt Groening, and developed by Groening and David X. Cohen for the Fox network. The series follows the adventures of a former New York pizza delivery boy, Philip J. Fry, after he is cryogenically frozen seconds after the start of the year 2000, and thawed out on New Year's Eve 2999.

Some Characters: Philip J. Fry, Turanga Leela, Bender, Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth...

My favourite character is philip J. Fry that froms the XX segle, and he have anticuate costums. In this modern age he don't know nothing about the new tecnologies, and its very funny when he talks or says a stupid things. In this serie they represents our society like an animals and inculture people who are very anticuated. For these reason in this serie they always critiques the actually society with hide missages. For example, in Mars there are a jungle, and Fry says, wow, these jungle is like the antigues jungles in the Earth, and the Professor Hubert, laught and says, jungles in Earth? ridiculous...

I think that its very creative this series, and I saw a lot of times the chapters of these amazing serie, I recomend you to see it. :)

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